Another FREE photography magazine - The X Fujifilm Magazine

Well, what do we have here? Can it be? Another free photography magazine? Read on to find out more!

This magazine, somewhat unimaginatively named "X Fujifilm Magazine" is a new magazine targeted to Fujifilm X camera users (and soon-to-be-converts) and features articles on tips, tricks and articles about the cameras, lenses and sharing from professional photographers.

Here's a shortcut to the magazine's first issue: If you are an iOS or Android user, it will redirect you to the appropriate app store to download the magazine in compatible formats. For iOS users, the link will allow you to download the magazine to your Newsstand.

The good news: Every issue will be FREE! It's also interactive, and making the experience of reading the magazine quite pleasant.

The bad news: It loads extremely slowly on my iPhone4, crashes all the time when I open page 8 and it's just way too small to be read on my phone. Also the download is about 45MB, so it will take awhile before you can even start opening it.

Of course, if you use an iPad, the experience will significantly be better, but I can't attest to it at the moment (until perhaps, an iPad Mini Retina drops mysteriously on to my hands one day. *hint* *hint*). On my Macbook, the web version of the magazine seem to load half-way and hang, and I am required to refresh my page in order for it to load properly. Very irritating to me.

Nonetheless, I recommend everyone who owns a Fujifilm camera to have a go at it, or if you are tired of your heavy, bulky DSLR here's a preview of what's better to come!


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