Transformers: The Original Bumblebee Human Alliance Transformation

The next Transformers movie sequel is coming out (again?) and to "celebrate" Micheal Bay's "movie", I've decided to post some photos I took when the first movie came out. And can you believe that it's been five years?

To be honest, the toys are pretty cool, especially the Human Alliance series. They reminded me so much of the Alternators/Binaltechs (same scale too) and they had these dorky little figurines that came with them.

Here are the original set I took of Bumblebee Human Alliance series doing a transformation step-by-step.

Ah the Camero. The perfect product placement for GM.

Look at me mom! I can stand!

I'll save you, human-who-talks-too-much!


Bumblebee with Sam half-Wit

A Word to Michael Bay

You suck Michael Bay. You destroyed my childhood heroes, making them nothing but half-wit robotic aliens. The only character that is worth watching in your movies is Optimus Prime, and that is because you used the original voice, Peter Cullen. When I first heard that Transformers was made into a movie, I had such high hopes. But you had to make three sequels as of today, and all worse than it's predecessors. ARGH!

But no one said it better than the Honest Trailer here. So I'll save my rant and just let you see this instead.
